Hamas War

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Make-Up Havel Havelim

No, this isn't some "rabbi in drag."  It's not that sort of make-up!

Because of blog carnival's problems, To Kiss a Mezzuzah didn't recive the links for last week's Havel Havelim until a few days ago.  And since there wasn't an offical host/hostess for this week, she wisely took the initiative and put together a perfectly fine and very interesting Havel Havelim.

So, pop over and visit and also share it on facebook and wherever you can.  And of course visit the various blogs included and read the posts.

Just a reminder.  I'll be hosting JPIX in another week or so.  If you have a picture post on a Jewish or Israeli theme, please send the link.   

The Kosher Cooking Carnival appears monthly, on Rosh Chodesh (first day of the Jewish month) so please send links to your kosher food posts, anything about kosher food and kosher cooking.  And if you'd like to host one, please let me know.

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