Hamas War

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Clutter of The Mind

There's a whole industry, all sorts of businesses, professions, philosophies to help people get control of their lives, clean up their mess.  The western world is one giant consumer society.  Love is all commercial, lots of presents.
Buy! Buy! and Buy some more!!!

It has been proven that one of the reasons there are more problem with kids concentrating on school, instructions etc is that rooms are too cluttered and distracting. 

So many of us are slaves to our possessions, physical and emotional and intellectual and ideological.

For a while I was part of the internet Fly Lady groups.  At the same time I joined the Jewish and Israeli Flybabies groups, where we encouraged each other to get ourselves out of chaos, get rid of clutter, a bit at a time.

A neat orderly home isn't stuffed with things.  And the best way of accomplishing something is to break the task into small doses. And the best way to clean is to throw things away.

I see Israeli policies, especially those in relation to other countries as total chaos.  We've lost focus on what's most important.  Our politicians and Foreign Ministry are cluttered with unsuccessful ideologies and policies and instead of deleting them, rejecting them, successive governments just keep repeating them over and over thinking that gravity will cease and boulders will float to the moon.

We make concessions to the Arab terrorists, "sacrifices" for peace and we just keep suffering more and more attacks and war and terrorism.  Nu, how dumb can one get?  Pretty dumb from what I can see.

We look for approval from countries and international big-shots who wouldn't lose sleep if Israel, G-d forbid, ceased to exist.  They advise things they'd never do themselves. They'd willingly lend their names to fundraising drives for memorials. 

So let's just throw out all those dangerously failed policies, politely close the door on the "help" and just do what's right for us, for Israel for the Jewish People.  Believe me, we'll get more support and less pressure once the other countries realize that we can't be pushed around.


Yonatan said...

We'll, of course, get more positive support from Hashem, which will cause all of the other positive things that we tend to place first to occur...(not everyone, apologies for the literary license).

Batya said...

You can think of tshuva as a decluttering, same for Pesach cleaning and living in the succah.

when we do what we're supposed to do, G-d helps more, like matching funds.

in the vanguard said...

Yielding to foreign pressure to the so-called "Palestinian" people - the more Israel succumbs to that pressure, the more she's hated. Look at the situation now, for example, where Netanyahu is kowtowing the White House usurper, as in freezing construction in the Jewish capital city; Considering to ease restrictions to get to Gaza; Allowing a commission to "investigate" the flotilla incident; etc. What result do we see? Most of the world condemns the Israelis.

In contrast, remember when Iraq's reactor was destroyed; When Israel won the 6-day war; When the Entebbe hostages were freed. Most of the world admired Israel.

Batya said...

edge, yes, exactly, thanks