Hamas War

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Dead Jews Again?

One of my long-time pet peeves about the Israeli Government's "must see" for foreign visitors is the fact that Yad Veshem is at the top of the list.

It's so obvious why foreigners think of Israel as a dangerous place. The Foreign Ministry's "rebranding campaign" will never be successful for as long as they take people to Yad Veshem. And they're doing it again.

Go to our beautiful new cities, like, Maale Adumim and Ariel. Show off our technological innovations and hi tech industries like in Jerusalem's Har Chotzvim or in Malcha. There's also plenty to see in Israeli agriculture.

Show that we're alive and thriving!


Hadassa DeYoung said...

It's a lot harder to take the galut out of a Jew than it is to take a Jew out of the galut. Since the Yom Kippur War, and even to some extent before it, it has been painfully obviously that many Jews are still unsure (or worse) of their right to live in their own Land. What's going to happen in a decade or two when the Holocaust will be "ancient history" and therefore totally irrelevant to most of the world?

Batya said...

I don't see the connection. Our rights to Eretz Yisrael and our long, long history here has nothing to do with the Holocaust.

The Holocaust shows how brutal and cruel and uncaring supposedly civilized people can be.