Hamas War

Friday, November 16, 2007

Israel Teachers Strike

There's a pretty good article here in the Jerusalem Post.

My only complaint is that the teachers interviewed didn't explain clearly enough that the government's "reform" lowers the hourly wage. That's a serious problem. It demands much, much more work, hours etc. from the teachers in exchange for less per hour money. It's only because of the extra hours that the monthly salary goes up.

The people on the commission aren't teachers. They look at teachers as factory workers and haven't a clue to what the job really entails. They're the same sort of executives who tell their secretaries to do lots of time-consuming tasks, claiming:
"What's the big deal? It only takes a minute."

They're good at giving orders, but they have never done the tasks themselves.

Yes, that's what we teachers are up against. They wouldn't survive a day in the classroom.

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