Hamas War

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Go all the way!

Stop whispering!
Take off your gloves and do everything in your power to get Olmert, Peres and crew out of power!

What are we all going to say when we meet Our Maker, G-d Almighty, HaKodesh Baruch Hu, when He asks us how we allowed the State of Israel to be destroyed and the Jewish People all over the world to be endangered?

I'm tired of polite letters, behind the scenes mechanizations and worried words, whether political speeches, editorials or just between friends.

Our ancient history and artifacts are being bulldozed and destroyed.

Our precious Land is being offered to terrorists.

Don't think that you'll be safer in Scarsdale than Shiloh, Great Neck than Giloh, London than Lod, or Auckland than Otniel.

No international forces will jump in to save us. They'd rather just add an annex to their fancy Holocaust Museums.

Yisrael, B'tach B'Hashem!
The Jewish people Must Put its Faith in G-d's Security Forces
And We are the Soldiers, All of Us
Wherever we are, Whoever we are
We have a job to do for The Jewish People


Anonymous said...


This is scary.

What will be?

Batya said...

Do everything you can to protest, starting with calling Olmert the dictator he is.