Hamas War

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hard to concentrate

I have a lot to do before my trip to New York, and I really can't put together anything serious, but there are a few articles I recommend that you read.

Olmert has an "agenda," and I think that he's a danger to the country. What was he doing on a secret trip to Jordan?

It seems like Arkady Gaydamak doesn't quite understand how things work in Israeli politics. The Prime Minister isn't voted on separately, though it was once, when Bibi was elected. The only way of showing support for Bibi would be if he joined and backed the Likud.

There's one of those excellent Ruthie Blum interviews in the Jerusalem Post. This time with Joel Fishman, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) and adjunct fellow at the University of Calgary's Center for Military and Strategic Studies.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It's possible that Gaydamak has a hunch that Israel will have a new 'presdential system' soon. We are not hearing about it lately, but the idea is still around and Lieberman has not given up on it.

And frankly, the second Olmert and Kadima, or any like politicians, think it will be good for them, you can imagine that all the tabloids will be running pro-presidency stories and within a month the law will have been passed.

Batya said...

You could be right.