Hamas War

Monday, June 25, 2007

Give them another chance, nu?

I've never quite understood the distinction between terrorists with blood on their hands or those without blood on their hands.

Olmert has announced that Israel (he, Olmert=Israel) will release, in his humanitarian program known as "Give them Another Chance," 250 terrorists who are having trouble getting into the Arab Terror Honor Society, because their hands aren't bloody enough.

It's sort of like in Baseball allowing the players at bat long enough until they succeed in hitting the ball. This line is in honor of the opening of Israel's professional baseball league.

Olmert has no problems releasing Arab terrorists, but his government is prosecuting 146 young, idealistic Zionists whose crime is loving Eretz Yisrael and not being afraid to say so.

I guess he considers himself immune from terrorism, but he knows that these kids won't be swayed by his well-practiced smile and his well-trained security forces. These wonderful kids frighten him, so he wants them locked up.

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