Hamas War

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The media lies again!

This was a real easy one.

A reporter/photographer came to Shiloh for philly.com to interview a neighbor from Philadelphia.

I'm not going to argue opinion, but facts are simple.

Standing outside his stucco and red-tile-roofed home in the Shilo settlement, almond trees blooming in the valley below, Philadelphia native Steven "Shimon" Siegel, 49, explained how a boy from Strawberry Mansion found his Eden amid the rocky hills of the West Bank. (complete article)
Nu, now look at the picture of the Siegel's roof.

Do you see "any red tiles?" I don't.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
It's so simple. There are tougher lies to catch than this one.

Just remember that you shouldn't trust the media, even on the simple things.

And while you're at it, compare it to the Arab Mansions, my "expose` posts which show how Arabs here really live are finalists in JIBs. If I'm not mistaken they're running both as a series and as best news post.


YMedad said...

Some other various types of media bias and manipulations
here and here as well as here

Batya said...

Very true.

But this was so simple, I couldn't resist posting it.