Hamas War

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Many of us bloggers are re-thinking the time and efforts we've been investing in our blogging. And that includes Soccer Dad, who has opened up to guest-bloggers. There are other things in his life more important, like his children and especially the baby.

I just read on Jblogsphere that Reb Chaim HaQoton is looking for someone to take over his, so he can devote his time to yeshiva.

Last summer I invited a few friends and bloggers to post on my blogs, and they're still there, though their posts are infrequent. Recently my the muse's pics announced that there won't be any new posts, since pictures are posted frequently on my two main blogs. I'll probably "consolidate" Blog Free! into this blog. It was a mistake to start so many. Those were heady days.

Blog carnivals are increasing, but the veterans are changing. Gary gave up BOMS, which was taken over by Dodgeblogium. It's one of those "vanity press" carnivals where the host waits for people to send posts, and it's not growing.

On the other hand, Havel Havelim is growing. Lots of people send in their links, certainly more and more each time I've hosted it in the past. In addition it has gotten easier to surf for Jewish and Israeli blogs. My source for new blogs and interesting posts, besides all of those submitted, were JBlog Central,vote for me! and jblogsphere.net. So there's still an excitement there. Kosher Cooking Carnival is also growing, and the next edition will be posted, G-d willing, in a few days.

I've added a few new blogs to my blogroll:
On the Contrary: Don’s Mideast Musings
A Simple Jew
The Thought Mill
Jewish Blogmeister
The Owner's Manual

Visit, you'll enjoy.

Unless it's just my blogging crowd, there are fewer meme's those little tag games. Most of us don't really have time for that sort of stuff.

I found a great clipart to illustrate this, but of course it refuses to show. Maybe that's because the avg virus check is going. Sometimes the pictures and clipart go up effortlessly, and sometimes it's a real time-waster and nothing gets posted.

I'm trying to post less, but include more in a post.

Am I alone in all this?


Sarah Likes Green said...

i also try limit my posting on my blog... trying to find a balance of how many to put up each week along with work and stuff. it's been busy lately so that means less blogging (and i haven't time to write any sort of guest posts for other blogs in ages!)

whatever works for you though!

Batya said...

sarah, it's good to have a life beynd the keyboard
simple, my pleasure