Hamas War

Friday, July 21, 2006

A Bissel Variety

First, something that has the ring of common sense:

These are the people that put bombs on their own kids, for crying out loud! These are the people that strap bombs on their own kids and send them out to blow themselves up hoping to take out some Israelis at the same time, and somehow we keep hearing about a "disproportionate response," and we keep hearing about "a collective punishment." Some people in this country still cannot see it -- and I know why it is. There's just a genuine dislike on some people's part, a genuine hatred on many people's part, for Israel, for a host of reasons, all of which you could figure out and I don't have to mention here.

One of them is, though, that it's considered to be a powerful nation, and all these surrounding little Arab regimes and terrorist regimes are the victims, "and it's just not fair that Israel can respond with such force, and this is a fair. It's disproportionate. It's not proportionate. Israel should response with proportionality." It's absolutely asinine. All of this is asinine! I'll tell you what about Kofi Annan and the United Nations. You know, we hear about SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative. I think the most effective anti-missile shield is located in the UN building. You talk about an SDI?
Rush Limbaugh

Next, as usual, the pictures illustrating the New York Times article tell a story which paints us black, as big powerful aggressors.

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