Hamas War

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Noose

I'm glad that the noose is far from us. We're not near the ghetto walls at all. The communities which are nearby that pathetic strip of cement are spending a fortune losing court cases. According to the Israeli Supreme Court, only Arab rights are endangered by the "fence." But isn't the "fence" supposed to protect Jewish Israeli citizens from Arab terrorists? OK, you know I really suspect it's being put up to make the "connected" even richer, but still...

Now, if the Arabs aren't supposed to be "inconvenienced" how will it keep terrorists out? Arabs are Arabs, nu? Of course, the Israeli Supreme Court has no compunctions about inconveniencing Jews. So, that's why I'm glad that Shiloh isn't included in the ghetto. There's no fence on the horizon, nor outside the gate. Actually there's no wall choking Shiloh at all.

So, come and visit, breathe freedom. This is Shiloh.

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