Hamas War

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Laura Bush, Where's Your Man?

During American First Lady Laura Bush's visit to Israel she was attacked by an Arab mob when she visited Har HaBayit (the Temple Mount.) http://www.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=82410 Israeli body guards protected her. Some of these articles are "white washes." In Israel the film clip was shown on TV, and there were more than "heckles." Bush sent his wife into the "lion's den," while he stayed safe at home.

Not much of a man!



Esther said...

Aw, not fair. If he didn't let her go, he'd be accused of being sexist. Reminds me of the joke that if Bush walked on water, the papers would report, "President can't swim."

Batya said...

her "second term" seems lots gutsier than the first. Did you see the film clips?

Esther said...

Yes. I totally agree -- much gutsier. I wonder why that is? Then again, maybe not gutsier but rather more public about it? I do know she's done things not publicized.

I read Mariane Pearl's book about losing Daniel. They were certainly not fans of the Bush family, by any means. BUT, Mariane recounts a story about being back in Paris, after finding out Daniel has been murdered. Laura Bush, without any fanfare (reporters, etc), arrived for a visit, wanting to pay her respects and do what she could to console the young/pregnant widow. Mariane tells of her surprise of how wonderful Laura was and how much her words helped.

I hadn't much of an opinion of Laura prior to reading the book but this impressed me a great deal. Maybe this wasn't her only "out of the spotlight" diplomatic event from the first term. Regardless, I'm glad she's doing things out in the open; maybe people (so many in the US) will stop thinking of her as a Stepford wife.