Hamas War

Thursday, May 5, 2005

"eyes bigger than their stomaches," and "biting off more than they can chew"

One of the least pleasant things about hearing the Disengagement supporters talk about transfering the thousands of citizens and their possesstions, businesses, etc is how they act and sound like it's no different from blowing a feather or swatting a fly. The same people consider the "transfer" of Arabs immoral, of course. But that's not my point right now.

As Tisha B'Av gets closer, they're trying to organize all the logistics. Easier said than done, Baruch Hashem. First of all, even if the residents had signed up with the "relocation committee," there's no place for them dead or alive .

And if G-d forbid Jews are really to be thrown out of their homes, no one is really willing to do it.

Read more:

From David Wilder of Chevron
an excerpt
I did hear one very interesting story which I feel almost obligated to repeat. A company (I don't remember which), after receiving the contract to evacuate all the material property belonging to families, offices, organizations, etc. as part of the expulsion program, concluded that they would need two thousand gigantic containers, utilized around the clock, in order to fulfill their 'mission'. The only company in Israel that could provide such containers is the Israeli shipping corporation Zim. When they met with Zim executives, asking how many containers the company could provide, they were told three or four hundred at most. Shocked, they insisted that Zim obtain all the containers they needed, but were refused. "It can't be done; it costs too much money. We can't do it."

So, if containers are out, what next? They then approached the largest trucking company in Israel and began negotiating with them for a huge fleet of trucks. When the trucking executives asked why they needed the vehicles, they were told, "For the disengagement." At that point, the trucking company executives pointed to the door and said, "Will the last one out please shut the door."

"Why, you don't want the contract?" "Maybe you didn't hear correctly. The meeting is over."

"But why?"

"The owner of this company made it quite clear – whoever lifts one finger to assist with the so-called 'Disengagement' can start looking for a new job. Have a good day."


Moze said...

Wish I knew the name of the trucking company--I'd try to drum up business for them.

Batya said...

That's for sure. Ask David Wilder.