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Saturday, October 8, 2011

"The First Ten Days," A Great Teshuva Guide

The First Ten Days by Rabbi Yaacov Haber is an easy to read book on a very difficult topic.  It's about Teshuva,  the Jewish concept of repentance and based on Kabbalistic principles, the Sephirot.

Not being a student of Kabbalah, I'm not familiar with this structure.  Rabbi Haber explains each of the principles very simply and clearly.  But most important is that you don't have to be a Kabbalah student or disciple to use these ideas to do Teshuva, repent.

And even though the book was written to be a guide through the Ten Days of Repentance, from Rosh Hashannah, the first of Tishrei, until Yom Kippur, the tenth of Tishrei, it can be used to help us any time of the year.  Don't our sages tell us that we're supposed to repent daily, since we don't know when our last day will be?

Even more than keeping our Teshuva, Repentance "up to date,"  The First Ten Days by Rabbi Yaacov Haber gives us a guide for how to live every day well, spiritually, emotionally and even socially.  Yes, I definitely recommend it.

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